Tuesday, May 08, 2007


John 11:1
Karl Evans

Jesus had many friends. There were many people who, whether or not they believed he was the Messiah, just liked the guy. They just cared about him for the person he was.

Sometimes Jesus made his friends laugh with his jokes about Herod. Jesus called Herod ‘The Fox’. Sometimes Jesus teased the Pharisees, or even the disciples. Jesus had pet names for some of the disciples. He re-named Simon as Peter, The Rock. The disciples knew it was something of a joke. Soon everyone began to use the new name.

Among Jesus friends was Lazarus, brother of Mary and Martha. Sometimes Lazarus found Jesus just to tell him some bad jokes. Not dirty, and not degrading to anyone. Just awful jokes. Often Jesus laughed and told some of his own very bad jokes to Lazarus. Jesus wasn't too good at comedy unless he was poking fun at Pharisees or priests or governors. Even then he used comedy to make a point about the new world to come soon.

So Jesus enjoyed Lazarus. Their time together was warm and good. But, as happens to people, there came a time when Lazarus became ill suddenly and died a few days later. The family sent for Jesus when Lazarus became ill. Jesus did not immediately return to their home.

Lazarus finally died. Jesus had not come. It seemed to some that Jesus purposely stalled coming to Lazarus. Everyone around him had their own comments to make. Some were frustrated that Jesus did not come before Lazarus died. Some only spoke to themselves in quiet contemplation. Some spoke to God. Few tried to defend Jesus.

Few people look forward to death. Everyone seems to feel the need to say something about death when it comes close. When family or friend knows the nearness of death, talking seems to help.

Jared, a boyhood friend and neighbor, came early to see Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus. In the sadness of their crying, Jared tried to give them comfort.

He hugged them both, and they talked about Lazarus. Jared said how Lazarus had been a good friend. He said it must just have been his time to die. It must have been the will of God. Yes, that's it. He died because God wanted him to die.

Now another friend, Sam-el, one who had been even closer to Lazarus, was just about destroyed by Lazarus' death. Lazarus had been working with Sam-el as a counselor, helping him understand and cope with his own problems.

Now with Lazarus gone, he had no friend, no counselor, no one to turn to. The lonely Sam-el could only sit and sob. Lazarus' death might as well have been his own. The death of one was a total loss for the other.

Now in those days the nation was actually in the hands of the Roman army. Roman troops could find shelter wherever they chose in nearly every city and town in Palestine.

As the sound of the wailing of Mary and Martha came from the house, a small squad of Roman soldiers walked by in the street. By the sound and the black-draped doorpost, they knew there was a death.

These were men who faced death every day. Their end might come from a street battle, or from training. They might feel the sword in a pitched battle as the Romans tried to take over another nation. But, as with most armies, no one talked to them about their own death.

They talked as they walked by. "I don't think anyone will make that much fuss about me when I die. No one cares that much."

Another suggested a course of action. "What you should do is to marry some really homely girl. Then when you die, she will be in such a sad state! She'll bawl like a sick calf because no one else will ever want her."

A third soldier joined in. "Naaawww. He’s too ugly himself. There isn't any girl who is desperate enough to want him! When he was born the midwife slapped his mother."

"I don't see why these Jews make so much fuss over anyone. Death really doesn't mean anything."

"I've killed a hundred or two, and they were all the same. One of these days someone else will kill me. The world will keep on keeping on."

"So what if another dies, especially just another Jew. There’s just something I don’t trust about these people."

"You know, Jews are so lazy that when one of them dies its usually three days before anyone notices."

"I think this family is one of those that followed Jesus, the Galilean. You know, he talks a lot about getting to heaven. Maybe this fellow had his own way and got to leave early."

The young soldiers moved on down the street as a group. Laughing. Talking. Teasing. Bragging. Just moving and wondering.

But inside the house, things weren't that calm. Mary and Martha were living through the stages in their mourning. They saw Jesus was to blame for the whole thing. They had sent for him. He just did not care enough to come. Then Lazarus died. Without Jesus.

Mary and Martha and Jared and Sam-el could only be caught up in the death of Lazarus. They sat quietly through most of the hours before burial. The ritual preparation of the body for burial took only a little time. Then Lazarus was buried in the family tomb. It was done.

When Jesus came to the door, he was not met by warmth for a friend. Martha and the others met him with resentment and self-pity. The cold emotional overtones of personal blame were startling to Jesus.

Mary was the outspoken one. "Jesus, I really thought you cared. All these months you have been telling us how you loved us. You have been saying we should love each other. And we believed you.

“You even told us what we should do if we love each other. You said we should do as you do. We have seen you make the blind see. We have seen you make the deaf hear and the epileptic straight.

“But what about us? We have walked all over Galilee with you. Why do you spend all your time with those who don't even walk with you? Why do you care only about a bunch of sinners who just don't care about you?

“Yet you let Lazarus, a man you say you love, just lay down and die. You don't even bother coming around until after he is dead long enough to start smelling bad. Is it asking too much for you to be here when someone is sick? When someone who loves you is about to die?"

Now it was Martha who spoke. The fire and discouragement in her voice betrayed her sorrow. And her anger at God.

"Jesus, I really do not think you care. Maybe you have a big head now from having all these people hanging around you. I don't think you feel a thing. The whole town talks about you like some kind of god. Even I used to think you were some kind of god. Maybe I even the Messiah.

“But right now I don't want a god. I want someone who cares. I need someone who feels. I need someone who has blood in their veins, not ice water.

“You may be a god. Fine. Right now we need a man. You never hurt. You never have any pain. You could have saved my brother, who practically worshiped you. When we needed you, you were too obsessed with saving millions."

Jesus would have reached out to hold them. They drew back in anger and hurt. Cold pain flew at Jesus from their eyes. They would not let Jesus hold them, or touch them.

Jesus' eyes filled with tears at their words and at the anger in their voices and in their eyes. He looked at the floor for a moment, then asked quietly, "Where is he buried?"

Martha snapped "Why go there now? He's been dead three days. He'll be smelling to high heaven now. The time to see him was three days ago, when you might have done something. You could have been here at least to just to hold his hand while he died."

But Jesus went to the sandstone cave. Some friends of the family had rolled a flat piece of stone over the mouth of the grave. They sealed the small holes around the edge of the opening with a sand and limestone mud. This kept out burrowing animals and moisture. Jesus broke through the sealer and rolled away the flat stone.

Jesus knelt on both knees in front of the cave, deep in prayer. As he knelt silently, big tears rolled down his cheeks. In the silence the drops seemed to make big splashes as they fell to the ground. It seemed to some who stood by as if Jesus struggled for words.

Martha whispered bitterly to her sobbing sister. "Thinking about himself, again. Right now he is probably thinking about what he will look like when he dies. He is wondering how many thousands will come to his own funeral."

The crowd began to grow. Within a few minutes, eight or ten gathered around. Watching and waiting with no real expectation of anything. Some stood silently with curiosity and confusion written on their faces. Some eyes showed bitterness toward the seeming lack of concern of Jesus. He should have cared more for the illness and death of an old friend and supporter.

Some jeered. Some made off-color remarks about loyalty, and about hypocrisy, and about what Jesus was going to do with the body. Some questioned Jesus' sanity. Why would a man with a healthy mind open a sealed tomb?

Jesus only said, quietly, "Lazarus, my friend, come out to me." Then Jesus knelt, obviously in earnest prayer. The only sound was from the gossip of the crowd.

Now, Lazarus began to stir. The cloths around him began to move. The crowd suddenly stopped its murmuring. In the darkness of the tomb the crowd could clearly see the burial cloths part.

First a hand appeared, then another. The hands silently pulled the rags away from Lazarus’ head. Lazarus crouched low, now. His feet and legs were still wrapped as he began to move toward the mouth of the low tomb.

The others moved back quickly. There was suddenly no need to become involved in the events of the day. They let Jesus kneel alone in silence in front of the tomb.

Lazarus pulled himself out of his own grave and stood in the door of the grotto. Jesus put his arm around Lazarus. Jesus barely mussed the white cloths with which Mary and Martha had wrapped Lazarus.

Lazarus and Jesus and Mary and Martha and Jared and Sam-el walked away. There would be another day to die. Not today.

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